Manny Essien Chosen for the Leadership Maryland Emerging Leader Program Inaugural Class

Leadership Maryland announced that Emmanuel (Manny) Essien, associate advisor at BFG Financial Advisors, has been chosen to participate in their statewide professional development program as a member of the new Emerging Leader Program’s Class of 2024.

Manny is one of 40 individuals chosen for the Leadership Maryland Emerging Leader Program’s first class, who will complete the six-month, hands-on learning program focused on leadership development. The program will run from June to November, consisting of monthly day-long sessions that will include both interactive training led by a facilitator and panel discussions featuring leaders from across the state as guest speakers. The program’s curriculum offers a holistic approach to leadership development, designed to help each applicant increase their self-awareness and gain behaviors, skills, and tools to become more adaptive, inclusive, strategic, and impactful leaders.

“The opportunity to collaborate with some of the great young minds in our state is exciting,” said Manny. “I am looking forward to immersing myself in an atmosphere that focuses on learning to harness our own intrinsic ability to lead with individuals that make up Maryland’s diverse workforce. Everyone carries a unique style and faces their unique challenges; I am thrilled to learn as much as I can from my peers.”

“We are excited to announce the very first Emerging Leader class and welcome these motivated and forward-thinking individuals to our new program,” said David Fike ’16 (LM) president and CEO, Leadership Maryland. “This year’s class selection process was highly competitive, and after careful review of the applications, I am thrilled to share that the 40 members of the Class of 2024 represent a dynamic cross-section of ambitious and promising rising leaders. The knowledge, experience, and connections they will gain in our program will prepare them to become more adaptive and impactful leaders in their careers and communities.”